Haikyuu lovers will definitely be very happy with the screening of the film Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle in Indonesian cinemas since May 29. The film directed by Susumu Mitsunaka was positively appreciated by fans, you know.
The emotional ending of the volleyball match between two opponents is the talk of netizens. Two rival teams in the Spring Nationals tournament were really successful in fighting it out.
Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle takes place after the end of the fourth season with the anticipated battle at Karasuno and Nekoma high schools. These two schools are finally above all bets.
But there is a post-credit scene that is a big picture for Karasuno’s future. Be careful of spoilers, OK?
In this big screen version of the story, Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle sees Karasuno officially defeat Nekoma and reach the quarterfinals of the Japanese national tournament. The match ended almost immediately when Karasuno managed to get past and defeat their rivals.
In the ending, Hinata Shoyo and Tobio Kageyama happened to see the school match they would face in the next round, namely Kamomedai High School.
Korai Hoshiumi asked whether he watched the match to know his rivals or not. When Hinata Shoyo saw him, he said that it was time for them to find out which of them was the real ‘Little Giant’.
This scene seems to be a sign of the next and final part of the grand finale of the anime feature film. What are the hints for the next season of the anime series?
The big question mark seems to be answered at another time. Detikers, you can still read the manga version.
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