Steven Spielberg Praises the Film ‘Dune Part 2’

Steven Spielberg heaped high praise on Denis Villeneuve and his film, Dune: Part Two, in the latest episode of DGA’s Director’s Cut podcast. Spielberg praised Villeneuve for his success in building an extraordinary sci-fi film world, calling it one of the best he had ever seen. This was revealed by Variety, Wednesday (27/3).

He also called Villeneuve one of the world-building filmmakers, comparing him with legendary filmmakers such as Méliès, Disney, Kubrick, and Lucas.

Villeneuve, amazed, accepted the compliment with pride. Spielberg particularly highlighted the scene in the film where Paul’s character rides a sandworm for the first time, describing it as one of the greatest scenes he had ever seen.

He appreciated how Villeneuve managed to make the desert look like liquid in the film, highlighting the longing for water which is a central theme in the story. Spielberg also emphasized the importance of the sacrifices and hardships the crew made in making these scenes.

It took them 44 days to shoot the scene, and the sandworms being cut into large pieces created a major technical challenge.

Cinematographer Greig Fraser underscored the importance of maintaining visual consistency in the scene so as not to confuse the audience.

Dune: Part Two has been a box office success and received praise from both critics and audiences. The film has earned impressive worldwide grosses and continues to play in cinemas nationwide from Warner Bros.

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