The film Napoleon (2023), starring Joaquin Phoenix and directed by Ridley Scott, will officially be broadcast in Indonesia on November 29 2023. This film will show some of the life journey and especially the love of the French Emperor. Napoleon (2023) was worked on by Scott based on a script written by David Scarpa. This film is the 28th work of the British director who is now 86 years old.
The following is a synopsis of the film Napoleon.
The story opens during the French Revolution. Thousands of French anti-royalists gathered happily at the Placa de La Revolution in Paris in 1793. They watched Marie Antoinette (Catherine Walker) walk haggardly among them. Antoinette walked around haggard after she was beheaded because she was considered a traitor to the people. Not only herself, her husband, Louise XVI, also received an execution sentence from the community.
With both of them beheaded during the revolution, the throne of the French government became vacant. Meanwhile, the young Napoleon Bonaparte (Joaquin Phoenix) gets the opportunity to conquer the Toulon area, which at that time was controlled by the British.
Napoleon won a great victory in the port city and received the title of Brigadier General as a reward. He received this title at a young age. While attending a banquet for military officials one time, Napoleon was attracted by the presence of Joséphine de Beauharnais (Vanessa Kirby). Josephine is a young widow who has a beautiful appearance. This meeting then led the two of them to a more intense relationship. The two of them decided to get married and live together in love.
However, in the midst of a life full of love, Napoleon also still harbored military ambitions by conquering a number of outer regions in Europe. In the midst of this ambition, Napoleon heard the news that Josephine was having an affair.
The news emerged when Napoleon led troops in Egypt and achieved victory. As soon as the war was over, Napoleon immediately went home to investigate the news of Josephine’s affair.
Domestic and romantic problems meant that Napoleon was considered unfocused in managing the military. A number of central committee members believed that Napoleon was trying to defect and betray France. This rumor made Napoleon furious. He decided to carry out a coup in 1798 and succeeded in gaining the throne as First Consulate, aka the highest leader in the French Government.
This apparently did not satisfy Napoleon. His ambitions continued to grow and he wanted to achieve the title of Emperor who would control all of France and the areas that had been conquered.
This ambition was realized in 1804. He was appointed supreme Emperor of France, and was accompanied by Josephine as empress.
However, in the midst of achieving his highest dream, Napoleon again faced problems with his romantic relationship, and this time, he had to face a complicated choice. The film Napoleon (2023) is a reunion for Ridley Scott with Joaquin Phoenix who plays the main role as Napoleon Bonaparte. Scott and Phoenix previously worked together more than two decades ago on Gladiator.
Scott is known as a seasoned director who has worked on Gladiator (2000), Black Hawk Down (2001), American Gangster (2007), and The Martian (2015).
Apart from Phoenix, Kirby, and Walker, the film Napoleon also stars Tahar Karim, Ben Miles, Ludivine Sagnier, Matthew Needham, and Youssef Kerkour.
Production of this film was hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic and experienced a number of cast changes. However, Napoleon finally premiered on November 14, 2023 at Salle Pleye Pleyel, Paris.
Napoleon officially hits theaters on November 29, 2023.
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