Leo is an animated musical comedy film that is currently trending on Netflix. Leo’s film tells the story of a lizard trying to escape from its cage in the classroom.
This incident then took the lizard through an extraordinary adventure. Curious? Take a peek at Leo’s synopsis below.
Synopsis of the film Leo (2023)
The film Leo, which airs on Netflix, tells the story of the journey of Leo, who is a 74 year old lizard, and his loyal friend, Squirtle the turtle.
Leo decides to escape from the terrarium in a school classroom in Florida, where they have lived for decades
Apparently, Leo has been trapped in that classroom for decades, witnessing the changing generations of students who come and go, while he feels like he is missing out on real life.
When he finds out that he only has a year to live, Leo plans an escape so he can experience life outside the terrarium once and for all.
However, Leo’s escape attempt gets him into trouble with the students and a very cruel substitute teacher. This animated film is an interesting show for those of you who want to watch a light but emotional storyline. What’s more, this animated film can be watched by all ages.
Starring Adam Sandler
The film Leo has been broadcast on Netflix since November 21 2023. Interestingly, several well-known figures voice the characters in the film Leo. For example, Adam Sandler as Leo, Bill Burr as Squirtle, and Cecily Strong as Ms Malkin.
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